by admin

In accordance with L303 / 2003 and GD301 / 2012 art.2 and art.3 para.(2), the Romanian companies are obliged to perform the Physical Security Risk Assemssment for each and every one of the objectives / premises [1] that they have, through authorized evaluators registered in the National Register of Physical Security Risk Assessors (RNERSF).

This analysis involves conducting a visit to each objective and assessing the risks to physical security (threats combined with vulnerabilities).

Based on a specific working methodology are evaluated:

  • threats to physical security (external environment)
  • vulnerabilities to physical security (internal environment)
  • protection systems (mechanophysical and electronic) - from fence to security systems
  • • specific security procedures
  • other factors that contribute +/- to the appearance / decrease of the risks to the physical security

After the analysis of the elements mentioned above, a Report is elaborated for each objective, which includes risk treatment methods and recommendations, as the case may be. Agreed recommendations must be implemented within 60 days of signing the Report.

Our company has specialists registered in this Register and performs the physical security risk assessment throughout the country, providing, based on a contract, the Risk Assessment and Treatment Report (Report). The report with all its annexes is submitted, as the case may be, to the competent police station.

The practical experience and theoretical training of our team recommends us in front of other similar service providers (dozens of projects in the Homeland Security area in Romania and abroad, specializations in the country and abroad, lecturers in the university environment and in the field of continuous professional training).

We can also provide, upon request, consulting during the implementation of technical security systems.

The tariff is negotiated for each objective depending on its complexity and size, as well as for the cases in which a beneficiary has several objectives. For the objectives in the country, the transport, accommodation and daily allowance of the personnel performing this activity are added.

For any additional information related to this topic, we are available to make a presentation at your company's headquarters at a date and time that you deem appropriate.
